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BERLIN | Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:25am BST
BERLIN (Reuters) - As many as 4,000 jobs could be lost at German home improvement retailer Praktiker (PRAG.DE) and its Max Bahr chain following insolvency filings, Bild reported on Saturday, citing the group's deputy board chairman.
"That's a shocking number," the newspaper quoted deputy supervisory board chairman Ulrich Kruse as saying.
About a dozen Praktiker stores could shortly be closed, mainly shops that were about to be converted to the Max Bahr brand which traditionally had better profit margins, Wirtschaftswoche reported, without citing the source of the information.
Praktiker said on July 25 that its Max Bahr unit would file for insolvency after a trade credit insurer, named by unions as Coface (CNAT.PA), stopped providing coverage to suppliers.
Praktiker, whose blue and yellow-branded stores selling paints, tools and gardening products are a familiar sight in Germany's out-of-town shopping centres, has been grappling with a decline in sales and profitability since it ended a "20 percent off everything" discount strategy.
(Reporting by Andreas Cremer; Editing by David Holmes)
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PANMUNJOM, North Korea (AP) ? Some Americans call it the "Forgotten War," a 1950s conflict fought in a far-off country and so painful that even survivors have tried to erase their memories of it.
The North Koreans, however, have not forgotten. Sixty years after the end of the Korean War, the country is marking the milestone anniversary with a massive celebration Saturday for a holiday it calls "Victory Day" ? even though the two sides only signed a truce, and have yet to negotiate a peace treaty.
Signs and banners reading "Victory" line the streets of Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. The events are expected to culminate with a huge military parade and fireworks, one of the biggest extravaganzas in this impoverished country since leader Kim Jong Un took power in late 2011.
Here at the border in Panmunjom, the war never ended. Both sides of the Demilitarized Zone are heavily guarded, making it the world's most fortified border, and dividing countless families with sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers, on the other side. The North Koreans consider the presence of 28,500 U.S. troops in South Korea a continued occupation.
In some ways, war today is being waged outside the confines of the now-outdated armistice signed 60 years ago.
The disputed maritime border off the west coast of the Koreas is a hot spot for clashes. In 2010, a South Korean warship exploded, killing 46 sailors; Seoul blamed a North Korean torpedo. Later that year, a North Korean artillery attack on a front-line South Korean island killed four people, two of them civilians.
Earlier this year, Kim Jong Un enshrined the pursuit of nuclear weapons as a national goal, calling it a defensive measure against the U.S. military threat. In recent months, the warfare has extended into cyberspace, with both Koreas accusing the other of mounting crippling hacking attacks that have taken down government websites in the North and paralyzed online commerce in the South.
Sixty years on, as both Koreas and the United States mark the anniversary Saturday, there is still no peace on the Korean Peninsula.
The two sides don't even agree on who started the war.
Outside the North, historians say it was North Korean troops who charged across the border at the 38th parallel and launched an assault at 4 a.m. on June 25, 1950.
North Korea agrees that war broke out at 4 a.m. ? but says U.S. troops attacked first. A photo offered as proof at a Pyongyang war museum shows U.S. soldiers advancing, rifles cocked, as they run past the 38th parallel.
"The real history is that the U.S. started the war on June 25, 1950," Ri Su Jong, a 21-year-old guide at a flower show in Pyongyang, said Tuesday. "They first attacked our country, and we quickly counterattacked."
Ri, whose grandfathers both fought in the war, said she was taught that the North Koreans marched into Seoul three days later, "liberating" South Korea from U.S. forces. A panoramic diorama at the war museum shows soldiers hoisting the North Korean flag in a sea of fire and destruction.
As North Korean troops advanced further south, the U.S. retaliated with bombing campaigns that left both Seoul and Pyongyang in rubble.
"The U.S enemy engineered the war, boasting of the advantage of their air power, flying normally 500 or 700 flights, sometimes up to 1,000 flights a day, both on the front and in the rear," said North Korean Maj. Gen. Kim Sung Un, a war veteran who is now 84. "All the factories and workplaces ... were reduced to ashes."
Then came the counterattack.
Dick Bonelli was a 19-year-old from the Bronx, a self-professed troublemaker, who was shipped off with the U.S. Marines to fight in a country he never knew existed. He arrived in September 1950 with the amphibious assault known in as the "Inchon Landing," the surprise attack that helped the U.S.-led U.N. forces push the North Koreans back.
Bonelli later took part in one of the most costly fights of the Korean War: the 17-day winter campaign in the mountainous region of the North then known by its Japanese name, the Chosin Reservoir. Several thousand were killed in combat, and thousands more died of frostbite.
"I tried for 30 to 40 years to forget it all," Bonelli said in Pyongyang on Thursday, an American flag pinned to his blazer. "Who wants to remember that? It's war. It was terrible."
In all, the fighting took more than 1.2 million lives. More than 500,000 North Korean troops died, along with 183,000 Chinese who fought alongside them. On the other side, 138,000 South Koreans were killed, and 40,670 more from the U.N.-led force, including 36,900 Americans. Civilian deaths totaled almost 374,000 in South Korea and are unknown in the North.
Bonelli is back in North Korea for the first time since 1950. His hope is to revisit Fox Hill, the remote spot that he guarded that first cold winter of the war. Tears in his eyes, he called it an emotional journey to a place that he tried for decades to forget.
How the main players in the war will mark Saturday's anniversary is a telling indication of how each country considers the conflict.
North Korea is treating it as a celebration, an occasion to rally support for the country's leader and draw attention to the division of the Korean Peninsula.
In South Korea, it's a day of remembrance. For the government, it's a day of thanks to the 16 U.N. nations that came to South Korea's defense during the 1950-53 war. For many, it's also a day of sorrow as they remember family members left behind in the North, forever divided from their loved ones.
Park Jong-seon doesn't know what happened to his older brother and sister, lost in the tumult of war. "To this day, I still have not heard from them," he said, eyes glistening. "I wonder where they are, and whether they're still alive."
In Washington, President Barack Obama on Thursday declared July 27 National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. He paid tribute in his proclamation to the veterans who fought to "defend a country they never knew and a people they never met." He is to speak Saturday at the Korean War Veterans Memorial.
Back in 1953, the architects of the armistice that took two years to negotiate were so sure the truce would be temporary that they cobbled together corrugated sheds to serve as conference halls in just a handful of days.
Sixty years later, those once-temporary buildings are still standing. On the North Korean side, the drafty building that served as the venue for armistice talks is now the "peace pagoda," a popular stop on a fledgling tourist trail from Pyongyang. A tattered version of the armistice agreement and the U.N. flag are displayed.
The sheds straddling the border where the two sides sometimes meet are still called T1, T2 and T3: the "T'' stands for "temporary."
Peace is up to Washington, North Korean Lt. Col. Nam Dong Ho told The Associated Press recently.
"The division of the Korean Peninsula is less an issue between the North and South and more of an issue between North Korea and the U.S," he said. "Last time, we negotiated an armistice agreement. But next time, we will bring the U.S. to its knees to sign a letter of surrender."
Ri, the flower show guide, also blames the U.S.: "Of course we want peace. ... But the American imperialists keep provoking us with their hostile policy."
The visiting U.S. veteran, Bonelli, says simply that a peace treaty is long overdue.
"It's ridiculous to have an armistice this long and not to sit down, break bread and make peace," he said. "The future is about the children. Let's stop it."
Associated Press writer Elizabeth Shim contributed to this report from Seoul, South Korea. Follow AP's Korea bureau chief at
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CAYUGA COUNTY, N.Y. ? On Tuesday, the budget for Cayuga Community College was up for approval.
Legislators signed off on the plan, which will raise tuition by $140 a year, while cutting spending by more than six percent.
The college board of trustees faced a difficult task, having to deal with a $1.5 million deficit due to low enrollment. Even with furloughs, salary cuts and other reductions, there is still a gap of approximately $400,000.
The board did recently pass a resolution that will allow them to make even deeper cuts moving forward, however, they say they will honor the agreements reached during the budget negotiation process.
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As a procession of Republican governors cracked down on abortion in recent months, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York tried to lift the state's longstanding restrictions after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, granted a temporary reprieve to a murderer on death row and signed laws limiting rounds in gun magazines and allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses. So did Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley in Maryland, who also banned capital punishment and legalized medical marijuana.
While Republican governors elected during the party's historic wave in 2010 have drawn criticism for their unabashedly conservative agendas to restrict abortion, rein in labor unions and slash state spending, a number of Democratic governors are just as aggressively pushing liberal policies like gay marriage and gun control. Emboldened by President Obama's re-election, a younger and more diverse electorate, and an increasing number of state governments under one-party control, these Democratic governors are crusading on issues the party steered clear of until recently. It's happening not just in solidly-Democratic states like New York, Maryland, Delaware and Connecticut but also in more competitive battlegrounds like Colorado, where new gun laws are fueling two recall elections and threats of secession from some rural counties.
As potential presidential candidates and rivals to Hillary Clinton, governors like Cuomo and O'Malley are leading the Democratic Party down its most socially liberal path in decades.
"Especially on social issues, the center of gravity in the Democratic Party has moved in the more liberal direction," said Bill Galston, a former Clinton administration official and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "There's a new generation of Democrats who see lots of gain and very little pain in stronger gun safety legislation and gay marriage."
Polling suggests the Democratic governors are on solid ground on some of these issues. Gay marriage ? or in the case of Colorado, same-sex civil unions -- is widely accepted in Democratic-led states and by a narrow majority in national polls. So is allowing illegal immigrants to earn citizenship. Expanding background checks on gun buyers received support from 91 percent in a nationwide Quinnipiac University poll in April frequently cited by Democrats.
The growing support for gun control ? an issue Democrats had studiously avoided for more than a decade -- followed a shocking string of mass murders, most notably the shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. in December. On other social issues, the trends are more demographic. The fast-growing Hispanic and Asian-American communities favor immigration reform, while young people overwhelmingly back gay marriage. President Obama built a winning coalition in part by turning out this younger and more diverse electorate.
"After two Obama electoral victories, liberal interest groups are emboldened and demanding party leaders get in line," said Tim Miller of America Rising, a Republican super PAC leading an anti-Clinton effort. "As a result you are seeing Democrats with national ambitions tack far left and losing touch with mainstream voters."
Colorado, a perennial presidential battleground, is home to a fierce backlash over the state's adoption of liberal policies. The state is facing its first recall elections for a pair of Democratic lawmakers who backed stricter gun control laws spurred by the Newtown murders and the slayings of 12 people in an Aurora movie theater one year ago. In northern Colorado, several rural counties are threatening to secede over the new gun restrictions, driving privileges for illegal immigrants and a renewable energy mandate.
"The most recent legislative session in Colorado was the most liberal I've seen in decades," said Democrat-turned-independent pollster Floyd Ciruli of Denver. "Colorado is not New York, so of course there is going to be a reaction. I don't know if the governor is endangered, but he's dealing with a narrative of a Democratic Party that went too far."
While Hickenlooper has public opinion on his side on most of these social issues, taken together, they could fuel Republican attacks that the Democratic Party has become too radical and push away moderate voters. Amid declining approval ratings, Hickenlooper has also endorsed a controversial $1 billion tax hike for public schools. The latest Quinnipiac poll shows 67 percent of voters disagree with his decision to postpone the execution of Nathan Dunlap, convicted of killing four people in a Chuck E. Cheese's restaurant in 1993.
"Democrats have been talking a lot about Republicans being [pushed] into the extremes, and some Democrats here are anxious about a parallel situation," Ciruli said.
Colorado is among 38 states where the governor's mansion and both chambers of the legislature are controlled by one party, allowing Democrat-led and Republican-led states to enact equally ambitious agendas. In other words, the same unified political climate that allowed Democrats in Colorado and Maryland to pass a slew of progressive laws this year also allowed Republican-controlled states like Texas, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina to ratify tough abortion restrictions.
In this increasingly polarized political landscape, Republican and Democratic states are moving in opposite directions in reaction to developments in Washington -- the failure of Congress to pass gun control, the ongoing talks over immigration reform, and the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the federal ban on same-sex marriage.
"The parties are essentially doubling down, retrenching and going back to their corners and saying, 'This is who we are, and this what we are going to do," said Democratic strategist Maria Cardona, who worked on Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. "The problem for Republicans and what this past election made very clear is that on the issues the president was pushing like abortion rights, the majority of Americans are with him. In the states where Democrats are pushing the envelope, growth is on their side."
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By Ronnie Nathanielsz
The president of the World Boxing Organization has joined a growing number of the world professional boxing organizations and outstanding promoters and criticized the plan of the International Amateur Boxing Association or AIBA headed by its president Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu to include select pro boxers in the Olympic Games beginning in Brazil in 2016.
Francisco ?Paco? Valcarcel, in answer to a query from this columnist on the AIBA plan noted that many of the? greatest WBO Champions were Olympic Boxers and they benefited greatly from their Olympic experiences.
Valcarcel said ?Professional Boxing has had a great resurgence of popularity over the last 25 years, with countless new venues worldwide where Professional Boxing Championships are contested and numerous new media outlets competing for Boxing?s ever increasing television audience.?? During this same period AIBA has presided over a decline in popularity and fairness of amateur boxing.?
The WBO president said ?We have all recognized for many years how unfair it is that Communist Countries have permanent professional teams competing against true amateurs.?? 30 year old Cuban professionals have competed against 16 to 18 year old free world amateurs.? One Gold Medal is a glorious accomplishment for any athlete.? 3 Gold Medals for a Boxer only happens through gross exploitation of the Boxer by the National Association.?
Valcarcel indicated that every Olympic Medalist ?should be able to profit from his success and glory and attain his or her fair share of the value that the Boxer?s skills and talents generate.? Professional Boxing, whether it is conducted by AIBA or through the traditional structure, is not physical education.?? It is a professional sport conducted for the entertainment of the fans, by athletes motivated by the revenue they can earn.?? They make great sacrifices to reach the pinnacle of the sport.?? They deserve to receive the fair reward for the sacrifices they make and the risks they take.?
He said AIBA ?now wants to structure permanent National Team that competes as professionals until they miraculously reemerge as amateurs every four years at the Olympics.? They have recognized the unpopularity of the sports style they have advocated and their answer is to copy the professional style, but compete as national teams of indentured, underpaid house fighters.? ?
Valcarcel insisted ?No one seriously believes any of the AIBA boxers would be competitive against WBO Champions.? This is because WBO Champions are formed through free and open competition to determine the best boxers in the world.? It is tragic that AIBA is advocating that countries with many millions of people and many thousands of athletes should restrict the opportunity for its citizens to compete professionally to its National Team in AIBA structure where they are paid not like Professional Boxing Champions based on the amount of revenue that a free market will determine, but based on a set structure determined by the National Team. ?
The WBO president expressed the hope that ?colonialism and exploitation should be diminishing as the World progresses? even as he criticized? AIBA's concept as? ?an exploitive and foolish step backward from democracy and free markets to collective determination of opportunities and economic colonialism. ?
Valcarcel referred to the April 13 WBO super bantamweight championship between Nonito ?The Filipino Flash? Donaire and former Cuban two-time Olympic gold medalist Guillermo Rigondeaux as ? A great example of the gross distortion of market dynamics that AIBA is perpetrating on its participants.? He pointed out that Rigondeaux ?earned more in that one evening than the entire Cuban AIBA team will be paid by Cuba in their lifetimes.?
He accused AIBA under of wanting to ?create a monopoly in the name of the International Olympic movement through government fiats, and there doing diminish the popularity of the sport of Boxing and the opportunities of athletes to compete and benefit from professional boxing.? Boxing is too hard a sport to ask its competitors to endure closed shops, suppressed earning and diminished opportunities.? AIBA should be reformed to return Olympic Boxing to its prior excellence and popularity.? It has no business in Professional Boxing and approaches it with the same imperious and feckless manner that it has abused amateur boxing.?
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25mm rounds of depleted uranium ammunition (AFP Photo / Stan Honda)
The US military?s use of depleted uranium in Iraq has led to a sharp increase in Leukemia and birth defects in the city of Najaf ? and panicked residents are fearing for their health. Cancer is now more common than the flu, a local doctor told RT.
The city of Najaf saw one of the most severe military actions during the 2003 invasion. RT traveled to the area, quickly learning that every residential street in several neighborhoods has seen multiple cases of families whose children are ill, as well as families who have lost children, and families who have many relatives suffering from cancer.
Speaking on the rooftop of her house instead of her laboratory, Dr. Sundus Nsaif says the city has seen a ?dramatic rise? in cancer and birth defects since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. Nsaif said the alternative location was chosen because there is an active push by the government not to talk about the issue, perhaps in an effort not to embarrass coalition forces.
?After the start of the Iraq war, rates of cancer, leukemia and birth defects rose dramatically in Najaf. The areas affected by American attacks saw the biggest increases. We believe it?s because of the' illegal' weapons like depleted uranium that were used by the Americans. When you visit the hospital here you see that cancer is more common than the flu," Nsaif told RT's Lucy Kafanov.
?The war isn?t over. Yes, the Americans are gone, but we are still suffering from the Consequences," said Leila Jabar, whose three children died because they were born with congenital deformities. She blames radioactive ammunition used by American forces during the war for ?the health problems of her children. Her only surviving 8-months-old son Ahmed has a nervous system disorder and doctors don't expect him to survive his first birthday.
Dr. Chris Busby has researched the effects of depleted uranium (DU) in detail. He says the only source of uranium in Iraq was used by American-led forces.
?We went to Fallujah and we found the levels of cancer. We looked at the parents of children with congenital malformation and we did analysis of their hair to see what was inside their hair that might be genotoxic, that might be the sort of thing that can cause congenital malformation. The only thing that we found was uranium. We found uranium in the mothers of the children with congenital malformations,? he told RT.
From 2009 onwards, credible media reports from the city of Fallujah, the scene of intense urban warfare in 2004, brought reports of high rates of congenital birth defects to the world?s attention. At least two platforms that utilize DU munitions were employed in ?Phantom Fury,' the most intense operation since the official end of major combat operations in 2003.
At least 440,000kg of DU were used in Iraq, some ending up as DU dust, and some as corroding penetrators - leaving a still unknown number of sites with contaminated vehicles, buildings and soils, according to a Dutch report.
?The exposure risks to civilians from the use of DU in populated areas have been compounded by the US?s persistent refusal to release the data that could have helped facilitate the effective assessment and clearance work, providing that the Iraqi government had the capacity and finances to undertake it. Taken as a whole, these issues cast serious doubts over the legitimacy of the use of DU,? the Dutch report says.
Aside from DU?s potential impact on physical health, it is highly likely that its use and presence in Iraq has led to heightened fear and anxiety, which in turn may have created a measurable psycho-social impact, the authors of the report note.
Another report, funded by the Norwegian government, recently found that depleted uranium was used against civilian targets in populated areas in Iraq in 2003. It emphasizes a lack of transparency by coalition forces over the use of depleted uranium, but also describes one incident in Najaf where a Bradley armored fighting vehicle fired 305 depleted uranium rounds in a single engagement.
?We know that uranium is genotoxic, that it causes these levels of genetic damage, and because of that it also causes cancer. The only source of uranium was the use by the American-led forces of uranium weapons. Not only depleted uranium weapons, but as we later found out slightly enriched uranium weapons, which we believe they were using in order to cover their tracks. So, I think we have more or less proved that these effects are a result of the use during the two wars of uranium, and the particles that the uranium weapons produced,? Dr. Busby explained.
Depleted uranium weapons are known for the ability to penetrate through walls and tanks. One of its most dangerous ?side effects? is that when the substance vaporizes, it generates dust inhaled by individuals.
The Pentagon and the UN estimate that US and British forces used 1,100 to 2,200 tons of armor-piercing shells made of depleted uranium during attacks in Iraq in March and April, far more than the [officially] estimated 375 tons used in the 1991 Gulf War, according to a report published in Seattle Post-Intelligencer in 2003.
In cities like Basra and Fallujah, where American and British forces used heavy munitions at the start of the war, it is estimated that over half of all babies conceived after the start of the war were born with heart defects. According to a study published in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology between October 1994 and October 1995, the number of birth defects per 1,000 live births in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital was 1.37. In 2003, the number of birth defects in the same hospital was 23 per 1,000 live births. Within less than a decade, the occurrence of congenital birth defects increased 17-fold.
The international community has voiced concerns over the actual effects of the use of such weapons. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Iraq are expected to publish a report on this in the near future, but so far it has been delayed. According to the WHO, the report will not examine the link between the prevalence of birth defects and use of depleted uranium munitions used during the war and occupation in Iraq.
?Since the issue of associating congenital birth defects with exposure to depleted uranium has not been included in the scope of this particular study, establishing a link between the congenital birth defects prevalence and exposure to depleted uranium would require further research,? the WHO said in a statement.
Meanwhile, people in Najaf struggle to provide the necessary medical support for their children suffering from a wide range of disorders. Some couples are scared to have more children after having several born with birth defects.?
For more on this, watch Lucy Kafanov?s exclusive report.
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Cuba vs. Panama Live Stream, Score, Preview, Prediction: CONCACAF Gold Cup 2013 quarterfinals. Cuba qualified for the CONCACAF Gold Cup quarterfinals after defeating Belize 4-0 on Tuesday.
Cuba will look to improve its run in the CONCACAF Gold Cup when it takes on Panama on Saturday in the quarterfinals. The Cubans are coming off a tremendous 4-0 victory over Belize that earned them a last second playoff berth.
RESOURCE: Click Here To==Watch Cuba vs. Panama Live Stream Live Stream - quarterfinals
RESOURCE: Click Here To==Watch Cuba vs. Panama Live Stream Live Stream - quarterfinals
Cubans know they have more work to do. The team was taken down 3-0 against Costa Rica before falling 4-1 against the United States. Remarkably, the team's play improved throughout the group stage. Prior to imploding for four goals against the Americans, Cuba held a 1-0 lead. They will take on a Panamanian side that won Group A with two victories and one draw; the first victory came against a supposedly superior Mexican side. Panama also took down Martinique 1-0 before drawing 0-0 against Canada.
Martinez would add a second as he rushed into the box at the 62nd minute and roofed a shot into the left-hand corner. Martinez would complete the hat trick at the 84th minute off a shot from the left side of the box. Jeniel Molina would add a fourth goal in extra time as he one-timed a volley pass in the middle of the box. That goal gave Cuba a -2 goal differential and made them the second highest third-place squad in the tournament. The team will now get a chance to take on Panama in the quarterfinals.
Football Match will be played on 20.07.2013 at Georgia Dome (Atlanta, Georgia) for a CONCACAF Gold Cup Qualifier Match. Panama Football Team are currently fifty first in the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking. In their last 5 matches, they have two losses, two wins and one draw. Their most recent win was from Martinique for a 1-0 score at hone. They played a bad game against Costa Rica recently, and the result was a 2-0 loss away. Their most recent match was against Canada which was a 0-0 stalemate.
Cuba Football Team are currently eighty second in the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking. In their last 5 matches, they have three wins and one loss. Their most recent win was against Belize for a 4-0 score. They played a bad game against Costa Rica, and the result was a 3-0 loss away in the first match of the Gold Cup Group Stages. Cuba finished third in Group C with three points, where as Panama finished first with seven points. Head 2 Head: Panama has six wins, two draws and three losses in a total of eleven games against Cuba.
The quarterfinal showdown between Panama and Cuba will be played on Saturday, July 20th at 3:30pm, EST. The first of 2 quarterfinal matches held at Atlanta's Georgia Dome, television coverage will be provided by both the FOX Soccer Channel and Univision TV, with pregame coverage on each network starting at 3:00pm, EST.
RESOURCE: Click Here To==Watch Cuba vs. Panama Live Stream Live Stream - quarterfinals
. Watch CONCACAF Gold Cup 2013: Cuba vs Panama Live Stream, Watch Cuba vs. Panama Live Stream Live Stream - quarterfinals, Watch CONCACAF Gold Cup 2013 Live Stream - quarterfinals, CONCACAF Gold Cup: Cuba vs Panama, watch CONCACAF Gold Cup: Cuba vs Panama Online,watch CONCACAF Gold Cup: Cuba vs Panama
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Need a little weekend reading?
We?ve compiled our top ten Twitter stories of the week, which includes a complete guide to hashtag etiquette, a look at the top 20 most popular brands on Twitter, how to use social media to generate leads, the small business guide to social media mastery and SMS marketing facts and figures.
Here are our top 10 Twitter stories of the week.
1. The Complete Guide To Hashtag Etiquette [INFOGRAPHIC]
What is a hashtag? Well, on Twitter ? and increasingly everywhere else ? a hashtag is a word or phrase (with no spaces or punctuation) prefixed with the # symbol which gives users an easy way to communicate around a single theme. Example: #Twitter. The use of hashtags in social media originated back in August 2007, when designer Chris Messina asked his Twitter followers how they felt about using the pound sign (#) to group conversations on the micro-blogging platform, and thus became the first person to use the hashtag in its modern capacity.
2. The 20 Most Popular Brands On Twitter [STATS]
@YouTube maintains its top spot as the premier brand on Twitter, with its more than 30 million followers placing it first ahead of @Instagram and even @Twitter itself. Yep. The official @Twitter account is only the third most-followed brand on its own social platform, and twelfth amongst all profiles, with a whisker over 21 million followers. However, combined with @twitter_es, the official Spanish Twitter profile, and its 12.6 million followers, it would rank first overall.
3. How To Use Social Media To Generate Leads [INFOGRAPHIC]
Social media has proven itself to be particularly effective at generating leads, which is good news for marketers, and any business or brand looking to use platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to attract and acquire new customers. It takes work, and it takes time, but the effort definitely pays off: 34 percent of marketers say that they have generated leads using Twitter, and 20 percent have gone on to close that deal.
4. The Small Business Guide To Social Media Mastery [INFOGRAPHIC]
Did you know that 26 percent of small business marketers dedicate at least one hour to social media marketing each day, and four in five (80 percent) plan to increase their use of social media this year? Small business has embraced platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, but why? Bottom line: used intelligently, social media can generate a significant return at a relatively low financial entry point. Moreover, it can be used in a variety of ways ? 84 percent of SMBs use social media to reach customers, 42 percent use these channels for consumer support and 48 percent have generated business directly through Twitter.
5. SMS Marketing Facts And Figures [INFOGRAPHIC]
Seeing as 96% of smartphone users text message, and 98% of text messages are read compared to 29% of tweets and 12% of Facebook posts, SMS marketing is naturally arich field of potential for digital marketers. SMS marketing company TextSprout published the following infographic to explore the successes of text marketing.
6. Twitter For Small Business: Stats, Facts & Tips [INFOGRAPHIC]
Why should your small business be on Twitter? How about this for a reason: one third of people on Twitter follow at least one brand. Still not convinced? What if I told you that studies have shown that the vast majority (67 percent) of Twitter users are more likely to buy from the brands that they follow on Twitter, that almost four in five (79 percent) recommend those same brands and 69 percent go to follow other brands based of the recommendations of others.
7. 24 Statistics, Tips & Tricks To Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]
Did you know that studies have shown that more than one in three (34 percent) of marketers have generated leads through Twitter? Or that brands that have 1,000 or more Likes on their Facebook Page experience a traffic increase of 185 percent? What if I told you that 57 percent of companies have acquired a customer via their blog, or that one in five spend at least one hour each week engaging with marketing emails?
8. Everything You Need To Know About Creating Fantastic Social Media Content [INFOGRAPHIC]
So you?ve setup your Twitter profile, put the finishing touches on your Facebook Page and started to experiment with Pinterest and Instagram. Now: how do you go about creating great content?
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How do you sign off when you email? Well, if you?re like the 52 percent of professionals who use an email signature, you?ll include your name (70 percent), organisation (58 percent) and role (43 percent). But if you?re socially savvy you?ll also be sure to list your Twitter profile, too.
10. Digital Marketing Media: What $100K Buys [INFOGRAPHIC]
As new channels wage war for consumers? attention, how much must digital marketers spend to break through the noise? This insight-packed infographic from Edo Interactive examines what $100,000 buys in the realms of TV, online video, mobile, direct marketing, and social media.
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By Piya Sinha-Roy
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Studios brought A-list surprises to San Diego's Comic-Con on Saturday to promote upcoming superhero blockbusters.
Comic-Con is the largest annual gathering of fans of the comic book, sci-fi and fantasy genres, drawing around 125,000 people over four days, and has become a major battleground for moviemakers.
In recent years the convention has seen more and more content showcased as studios fight to capture the attention of fans.
This year, 20th Century Fox delivered the biggest surprise, presenting the heavyweight stars of "X-Men: Days of Future Past," including Jennifer Lawrence, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan to an exuberant 6,000-plus crowd.
The new film will unite two generations of actors playing Marvel's "X-Men" heroes, as Bryan Singer, the director behind the original "X-Men" that spawned a franchise in 2000, uses time travel to have the older actors interact with the younger cast.
"Days of Future Past," due out in 2014, is a sequel to 2011's "X-Men: First Class," which introduced younger versions of the "X-Men" characters, with actors including Lawrence, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.
In an exclusive trailer shown on Saturday at Comic-Con, Jackman's Wolverine is seen traveling through time to his younger self, played by James McAvoy, to try to change the future.
Fox is not the only studio seeking to capitalize on the popularity of comic-book films.
Recent box office successes have included Disney's Marvel franchises "Iron Man" and "The Avengers;" Warner Bros.'s "Dark Knight" Batman trilogy, and Sony Pictures' "The Amazing Spider-Man."
Singer called the mixing of the two casts "extremely unique," and the film is likely to tap all key demographics with popular older and younger cast members.
Stewart gave a sly nod to the caliber of the ensemble cast, quipping: "I would like to play any female character in any 'X-Men' movie, because then I may stand a chance of winning the Academy Award," referring to Lawrence and Berry's Oscar wins.
Members of the "X-Men" cast feature in a plethora of other franchises with avid followings at Comic-Con - McKellan with "Lord of the Rings," Stewart with "Star Trek," Lawrence with "The Hunger Games," Anna Paquin with HBO's "True Blood" TV series, and Peter Dinklage from HBO's "Game of Thrones."
Lawrence was the main attraction during Lions Gate's "The Hunger Games" panel, where fans of the young adult film and book series were shown an exclusive trailer from the upcoming "Catching Fire" installment due in theaters in November.
Disney's Marvel film panel, which rounded out Comic-Con's packed schedule on Saturday, did not skimp on surprises either, with actor Tom Hiddleston appearing dressed as "Thor" villain Loki, teasing the character's return in the upcoming sequel, "Thor: The Dark World," which was shown in a trailer to fans. The film is due in theaters in November.
Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans and Samuel L. Jackson led the cast of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," out in April 2014, and the audience was shown a new teaser for the film.
Zoe Saldana and Benicio Del Toro were joined by their co-stars of upcoming Marvel superhero film "Guardians of Galaxy," including Chris Pratt, Lee Pace and Karen Gillan, who showed off her shaven head for her role as 'Nebula.' The film will see a new cast of Marvel's characters joining forces.
Director Joss Whedon ran out onto the stage at the end of the Marvel presentation to announce the anticipated new title of the next "Avengers" film, "Avengers: The Age of Ultron." The film is due out in the summer of 2015.
Earlier on Saturday, Sandra Bullock showed up to promote "Gravity," and Jeff Bridges represented "Seventh Son" at the Warner Bros. presentation, while Aaron Eckhart introduced Lions Gate's "I, Frankenstein."
(Reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by David Brunnstrom)
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Would you look at that? Seems Leap Motion's eagerly awaited motion controller has started shipping a few days early -- well, a few days before its delayed July 22nd date, but we'll take it. We've received a couple of confirmations from future Leapers that their devices are on the way. Until they actually arrive, however, why not take a look at some of the apps developers have been working on for the system?
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
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One man's sudden disappearance after looking for the woman he met online highlights how difficult it can be for Pakistanis and Indians to bridge cultural and legal hurdles to unite.
By Shivam Vij,?Correspondent / July 20, 2013
Indian Bollywood actors Neil Nitin Mukesh, left, and Puja Gupta, back to camera, check their make up while shooting their upcoming film 'Shortcut Romeo' in Mumbai, India, April 21. Unlike Bollywood films, an Indian man who fell in love with a Pakistani girl highlights how tragically difficult it is for Pakistanis and Indians ? whether married, dating, or friends ? to bridge cultural and legal hurdles to unite.
Rafiq Maqbool/AP
EnlargeA management teacher in India fell in love with a girl in Pakistan. Unable to get a visa, he acted on a plan that would give Bollywood films a run for their money. He illegally crossed into Pakistan via Afghanistan in his search for love.
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But unlike the films, his journey has not had a happy ending. Instead, it highlights how tragically difficult it is for Pakistanis and Indians ? whether married, dating, or friends ? to bridge cultural and legal hurdles to unite.
"India and Pakistan go out of their way to not let their citizens meet each other and make them feel like criminals even when a visa is granted," says Jatin Desai of the Pakistan-India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy, which has been pushing for greater people-to-people contact between the two countries. He adds, "This is thanks to the history of how the two countries were created and the mutual mistrust that four wars have left them with. Every visitor is treated as a potential spy or saboteur."
On November 4, 2012, Hamid Nehal Ansari, a 26-year-old with an MBA degree in Mumbai, took a flight to Kabul for a job interview with an airline. He was to return home on November 15. But he didn?t. And he didn?t answer his phone, unusual for him.?His family, not sure what else to do, opened his computer and, discovering he had not logged out of his e-mail, pieced together what had happened to him.
Over the Internet, he had fallen for a girl from Kohat, Pakistan, located in north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province ? not far from the Taliban-dominated Waziristan region, and home to a military base.
Reading hundreds of chat conversations, his parents found out that at some point the girl told Mr. Ansari that her parents had found her a match and ended the online relationship. Shortly after receiving that news, Hamid reached out on Facebook to several other people in and around Kohat for help.
"The chats lead me to believe he was trapped in a conspiracy," says his mother, Fauzia Ansari.
Though that's unclear, India and Pakistan have fought four wars since their independence from Britain in 1947. The ties between the hostile Southeast Asian neighbors, suspicious in the best of times, have resulted in a strict visa process. The process can lead to desperate measures, and desperate measures can lead to prison on both sides of the border, say analysts.
The two countries grant only city-specific visa for up to five cities; obtaining one without knowing powerful people in the other country is difficult. Even when a visa is promised, it takes three months to obtain it. Businesses and mixed Pakistani-Indian couples are among the most affected by the visa rules. ?
The visa regime between India and Pakistan reflects the ongoing mistrust and power play between the two countries' security and political establishments, says Beena Sarawar, coordinator for Aman Ki Asha, a campaign for India-Pakistan peace. ?Everything is 'reciprocal' and aimed at making things as complicated and difficult for the other country's nationals as possible.?
Ansari apparently tried for months to get a visa to Kohat, and even managed to get an invite from the Rotary Club of Peshawar to help facilitate the process.
He also met the Mumbai-based Mr. Desai, of the Pakistan-India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy, and asked for help with the process.?
"He met me last year at least three times," says Desai, "After hearing his story I tried to convince him to forget the girl, not least for her safety ? as the region is known for honor killings. I told him reaching Kohat was virtually impossible."
But his new Facebook friends seemed to be encouraging him to go around the visa process and sneak in through Afghanistan, drawing out a detailed plan to cross at the Torkham Pass. Ansari was in Kohat for two days with Atta ur Rehman Awan, a graphic designer, who?has confirmed as much to his family and a local journalist. Whether he met with the girl, is unclear. Her father says she is married to another man and never had any contact with Ansari.
Mr. Awan and a university student Ansari was in touch with both say that when Ansari finally made it to the region he was taken away by "agencies" ? short-hand in Pakistan for the all-powerful Inter-Services Intelligence, and is likely in their custody.?
"I've been waiting for my son for eight months but the Pakistani government does not even acknowledge my letters and the Indian High Commission merely says they have asked the Pakistani government to inform them of Hamid's whereabouts," says Ms. Ansari.
She worries that her son has become one of the many?prisoners from both countries who languish in each others' jails, often for illegally entering the country.
"At the moment there are 300 Indian prisoners in Pakistan and 264 Pakistani prisoners in India," says Indian politician Bhim Singh, who has petitioned the Indian Supreme Court to send home Pakistani prisoners who have long served their sentences.
"Nobody cares for human life and dignity in either country," he says.
But Ansari's mother says after reading the online correspondence she thought her son was just a victim of a type of forbidden love.
Ansari's is not an isolated case. Canada-based Ilmana Fasih, a public health professional of Indian origin, says she dispenses advice to many similar online couples. She successfully married a Pakistani and participates actively in Facebook activism for India-Pakistan peace.
"There is that fascination of the other and the unknown that leads to such love," she says, adding that unfortunately the Pakistan-India love stories rarely end up happily, even if the couple is able to meet in a third country like the United Arab Emiratets for a short while.
"Only the deeply committed can succeed," she says.
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TV is going to the dogs. Because soon dogs can watch a channel that caters to their canine sensibilities. DOGTV is already available in some markets and debuts nationally August 1 on DirecTV, at $6 to $10 a month. Roku users also can subscribe. Programs allegedly promote relaxation or stimulation, or simply display scenes of daily doggy life. A ?relaxation? preview on DOGTV?s site features a montage of boats on a lake and pooches lounging in exotic locales?all set to a new age score. The offerings are designed specifically for a dog?s eyes and ears. Images are colored to enhance details. Contrast, brightness and frame rate are also tweaked to accommodate canine vision. And sounds and music stay within a specific frequency range to keep canine viewers from being startled or agitated. DOGTV?s three-to-six-minute features are programmed to fit into the average stay-at-home dog?s daily routine.? If the channel is a success, it could bring new meaning to the term watchdog. ?Larry Greenemeier [The above text is a transcript of this podcast]???? Follow Scientific American on Twitter @SciAm and @SciamBlogs. Visit for the latest in science, health and technology news.Source:
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Power plant implosion levels a 1960s power plant in Fort Lauderdale to make way for a new power plant that runs on natural gas. The power plant implosion took 450 pounds of dynamite and 90 controlled explosions Tuesday morning.
By Associated Press / July 17, 2013
Four 350-feet-tall smoke stacks and boilers are demolished by Florida Power and Light Company in a power plant implosion at its Port Everglades plant in Hollywood, Fla., Tuesday.
Brian Blanco/Florida Power and Light/Handout via Reuters
EnlargeFlorida Power & Light Co. used 450 pounds of dynamite to demolish a 1960s power plant in Fort Lauderdale.
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The plant imploded in a series of 90 controlled explosions Tuesday morning, toppling four smokestacks. The company says the new power plant will be better for the environment because it runs on natural gas, using 35 percent less fuel. The new plant is set to be fully operational in 2016.
The company says the new plant will save hundreds of millions of dollars in fuel costs and that customers will see a difference in their bills. Electricity from the plant will power 260,000 homes and businesses.
FPL projects the three-year construction will create roughly 650 jobs and produce approximately $20 million in new tax revenue annually to local governments and schools.
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The Vatican is taking a modern approach to one of its oldest traditions, by offering indulgences to Twitter followers of the Pontifex's social media account.
Aware that some Catholics may not be able afford to travel to Brazil, where World Youth Day is being held from July 23-28, and perhaps also in an effort to modernize himself, Pope Francis is making this first-time offer to the faithful who follow the events in Rio de Janeiro online.
Under Catholic belief, after confessing and being absolved of sin, the indulgences granted reduce the amount of time one spends in purgatory, where one's sins are weighed after death. Under the Pope's new offer, those who follow the week's events on the Twitter feed can get a speedier transit through purgatory, hopefully on the way to heaven.
"The notion of indulgence is that you've already been forgiven for your sin, because you've gone to confession, at least in theory, but what it does is reduce the amount of time you have to spend in purgatory after you die to work off that sin," said Patrick Hornbeck, chair of the department of Theology at the University of Fordham in New York.
The concept of indulgences date back to the 1300s, when popes began to teach that because the church had the power from Christ to forgive sins, the church also had the power to reduce the amount of time one spent in purgatory, said Hornbeck.
"The way indulgences were originally conceived as is you do some kind of religious work. So you say a particular prayer, you go on pilgrimage to a particular place, you state a particular mass, or whatever that might be," said Hornbeck.
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"What's new about this announcement is the migration onto Twitter, and to say that's it's possible to follow these events in Brazil on World Youth Day through an electronic medium rather than going there yourself," said Hornbeck.
The decree, issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary -- the Vatican office that deals with indulgences -- also asked priests around the world to make themselves available to hear confessions of those who want the Indulgence and to encourage public prayers for the success of World Youth Day.
"This Pope has done a remarkable job of demonstrating how well aware he is of the way in which his younger audience, his younger followers, follow things and I think it totally makes sense that young Catholics would be much more likely to participate via social networking and social media rather than through traditional ways," said Hornbeck.
The Pope has almost 2.7 million followers on Twitter.
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Screengrab courtesy Yahoo
Most corporate earnings conference calls are dry, staid affairs, the sort of thing you pay half a mind to while coming up with snarky quips on Twitter. Yahoo?s second-quarter earnings call, which coincided with CEO Marissa Mayer?s one-year anniversary at the firm, was anything but. First, it wasn?t a call?it was a video webcast, with Mayer and chief financial officer Ken Goldman sitting at a desk in front of a camera, aping a couple of rookie local news anchors.
And Mayer wasn?t offering a report so much as an argument. The numbers she?d come to present weren?t exactly glowing: Yahoo?s revenue fell 7 percent from the same quarter last year, with its largest business, display ads, falling 11 percent. But the numbers were almost a side note in Mayer?s presentation; her real goal was to convince the market that her plan to remake Yahoo won?t work overnight, and that she needs more time.
At first, I was skeptical. The webcast seemed of a piece with so much else Mayer has done at the struggling firm: It was flashy but lacked substance, seemingly intended to distract us from Yahoo?s problems rather than address them head-on. But as Mayer got into her argument, something dawned on me. For Mayer, unlike for Sprite, image is everything. Investors, potential employees, and rival tech firms have long thought of Yahoo as a joke, not a viable player in the tech wars. For Mayer, Yahoo?s terrible rep isn?t a symptom of the company?s larger problems, but a cause. Her moves so far?for instance, buying a whole bunch of buzzy startups without much explanation of how they?ll contribute to Yahoo?s bottom line, including the $1.1 billion purchase of Tumblr?have all been aimed at remaking the idea of Yahoo. Fix the reputation first, make Yahoo look good again, and the fundamentals will follow, she argues.
You know what? She may be right. Mayer calls her plan a ?chain reaction,? and it goes like this: First, Yahoo needs to hire better employees, and it needs to stop hemorrhaging its best employees to rival firms. Once it does that, it will be able to build better products. Better products will lead to more traffic to Yahoo?s sites, which, finally, will result in revenue growth. She?s got this strategy down to a mantra: ?People, then products, then traffic, then revenue,? she said on the webcast.
It?s a solid theory. In the Web business, unlike in many other industries, the quality of your product is essentially a straight-line function of your ability to hire and retain the best people. Every tech CEO I?ve ever interviewed has described hiring as his most difficult challenge, and fashioning a company?s ?culture? as his primary day-to-day job. A great corporate culture doesn?t guarantee success; companies that are fun places to work fail all the time. But tech companies with terrible cultures?companies where people hate going into the office every day?are doomed. A necessary precondition of success is getting the culture right.
Mayer presented convincing evidence that she?s done just that. In the year that she?s been at the firm, Yahoo?s attrition rate?the rate at which people voluntarily leave the firm?has declined by nearly 60 percent, she said. Even more telling, the number of former employees who are coming back to Yahoo is growing: Twelve percent of employees hired in 2013 were folks returning to Yahoo. These people probably know a lot of people at the firm, and they wouldn?t be coming back if they believed the place was still consumed by rot. The company now receives as many as 10,000 resumes every week. That?s nothing compared to the number of people who apply to Google, but Mayer suggested it?s a huge upswing from Yahoo?s dog days. (In February, I excoriated Mayer?s decision to prohibit Yahoo employees from working from home. I still think she was wrong to do so, but by these numbers, it?s clear that decision didn?t negatively impact Yahoo?s appeal, as I?d predicted it would. Mea culpa.)
The second step in Mayer?s chain reaction is also taking shape. The more efficient, more productive corporate culture has led to a string of product redesigns, including a huge rehabilitation of Flickr. I haven?t been impressed with many of these new products, but they?ve clearly worked to bring in new people. Yahoo?s traffic has long been declining, but in 2013, traffic has upticked steadily, Mayer said; since June, the company?s traffic has been growing over the same period last year. This may sound simple, but turning around sinking traffic is a difficult trick to pull off?and according to Mayer, Yahoo may be the first big Web company to do it. ?Renewed traffic growth in the face of multiple years of decline is, to my knowledge, unprecedented among industry players that operate with billions of page views,? she said. ?And we?ve achieved just that.?
The larger question is whether Yahoo can sustain this growth, and its improved morale. Many of Yahoo?s products were in a terrible state when Mayer took over a year ago. She?s brought them to parity with rivals. That?s no small thing, but it doesn?t say much about whether Yahoo can beat the competition with apps and services that are truly groundbreaking. It?s also possible that the improvement in the culture at Yahoo is a response to Mayer?s hiring?she was a much bigger name than anyone at Yahoo had expected to get as CEO. If that?s the case, how long can morale preserve itself? Will people continue to be as happy there if the financials don?t improve quickly?
In other words, Mayer can?t fake success forever. The next year is sure to be rockier, and more telling of her long-term success, than the first one. For now, though, she deserves kudos.
Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images
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By Yasmeen Abutaleb
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After fresh criticism of his record on combating HIV/AIDS, President Barack Obama on Monday ordered a stepped up effort to deal with the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States.
An executive order from the White House, which follows renewed criticism of Obama's AIDS strategy during his visit to Africa in late June and early July, called for better coordination of the national effort.
Obama's order said that recent studies had shown that aggressive testing and early treatment can have a significant impact in preventing transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS.
"In light of these data, we must further clarify and focus our national efforts to prevent and treat HIV infection," it said. "This acceleration will enable us to meet the goals of the Strategy and move closer to an AIDS-free generation."
The order said a working group chaired by Grant Colfax, director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would have 180 days to deliver recommendations to the president.
The HIV Care Continuum Working Group will gather information from federal agencies on HIV testing and care, review HIV research, and recommend ways to accelerate and improve HIV treatment and care, it said.
The new order follows recommendations this year from the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force that all 15 to 65 year olds be screened for HIV infection, something that will be covered under Obama's signature heath reform, the Affordable Care Act.
Nearly one in five of the estimated 1.1 million people with HIV in the United States are undiagnosed, and a third are still not receiving medical care, even though antiretroviral drugs can forestall long-term health risks of the disease and cut the risk of transmission by as much as 96 percent.
Obama announced a National AIDS Strategy in 2010, but activists have expressed disappointment at the administration's work on HIV/AIDS. They said they were not optimistic that the new drive would bring significant improvement.
"There are many countries in the world where the infection rate is going down - why can't the United States be one of them?" said Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
Over the past 10 years, the rate of new HIV infections in the United States has remained at about 50,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A study published last July by a team at Atlanta's Emory University found that overall infection rates among U.S. black, gay and bisexual men rival those seen in sub-Saharan African countries that are hardest hit by HIV.
The 2010 AIDS strategy aims to slow the spread of HIV by 25 percent over five years. It focuses especially on African Americans, gay and bisexual men, Latinos, and substance abusers, groups most at-risk of infection.
Critics have said that Obama has not shown the same level of commitment to fighting AIDS as his predecessor, former President George W. Bush. Bush poured $15 billion into the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, known as PEPFAR, to combat AIDS worldwide.
"It's no coincidence this is happening after all the bad publicity about AIDS during Obama's trip to Africa," Weinstein said.
Obama has argued that his administration has expanded the scope of PEPFAR without increasing spending. Earlier this month in Tanzania, Obama said the administration had "gotten better" and "more efficient" at implementing PEPFAR, saying the program has served four times as many people than when it began in 2003.
(Reporting By Yasmeen Abutaleb; Editing by Julie Steenhuysen and David Brunnstrom)
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